In the world of tile patterns, there's always been super-uniform (e.g. stacked subway tile ) and super-custom (e.g. a black-and-white line drawing on the floor ), and not much else in between. But we're finally starting to see a middle ground for those of us who want something unique that doesn't require an art degree. You don't need to attend a bunch of DIY workshops or find a creatively inclined contractor, you just need to buy the right tiles—mix-and-match tiles.
The great thing about them is they're made for the exact purpose of creating a one-of-a-kind arrangement, so you don't have to worry that a certain configuration will look weird. You don't even have to come up with the layout on your own—the tiles can typically be seen in various real-life spaces on the companies' websites, and you can copy a design tile for tile if you want to. Of course, it all starts with the tiles themselves. Here are the collections we're loving right now:

Pawn porcelain tiles by Geotiles .

Puzzle tiles in Anglesey and Powder by Barber & Osgerby for Mutina .

Brasilia tiles in Lawn and Milk by Popham Design .
Tierras tiles by Patricia Urquiola for Mutina , available at Academy Tiles + Surfaces .
Tratti tiles by Inga Sempé for Mutina .